Holy Eucharist, Rite I (Early Service)
Holy Eucharist, Rite I (Early Service)
This early service is a quieter, more contemplative service using Rite I. There is no childcare for this service.
This early service is a quieter, more contemplative service using Rite I. There is no childcare for this service.
Join us for a scriptural study of the Prophets this Epiphany as we celebrate the ways in which God’s voice is heard in our lives. This series, led by the parish clergy, will utilize The Saint John’s Bible to enhance our study of the prophetic literature in our scriptures. We’ll look at how and why…
We look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday! Childcare is available during the 10:15 service. This includes nursery and Children’s Chapel. Get details about this week's childcare options at christandstlukes.org/weekly-announcements. We can’t wait to see you this Sunday! If you prefer, you can still worship with us live online at 10:15 right here on this…
Our annual Orchestra Eucharist will feature Franz Schubert’s joyful Mass in G along with other works by Mozart and Haydn. The Orchestra will comprise students and faculty from The Governor’s School for the Arts. Free-will offering.
The Christ & St. Luke’s Annual Parish Meeting will take place on Sunday, January 26, immediately following the 10:15 a.m. service. All are encouraged to attend. We have much to celebrate from the year that is past and much to look forward to in the year to come. This meeting will include important information from…
We encourage you to come and explore these magnificent books. A team of trained docents will be available to provide visitors with an in-depth tour of these volumes. Read more here.
Christ & St Lukes Men’s Bible study is for every man who wants to find out why the Bible still matters today. Your time will be insightful with real conversations…right where you are in life! For more information please email Rudy Miller.
We encourage you to come and explore these magnificent books. A team of trained docents will be available to provide visitors with an in-depth tour of these volumes. Read more here.
We encourage you to come and explore these magnificent books. A team of trained docents will be available to provide visitors with an in-depth tour of these volumes. Read more here.
This early service is a quieter, more contemplative service using Rite I. There is no childcare for this service.
Join us for a scriptural study of the Prophets this Epiphany as we celebrate the ways in which God’s voice is heard in our lives. This series, led by the parish clergy, will utilize The Saint John’s Bible to enhance our study of the prophetic literature in our scriptures. We’ll look at how and why…
We look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday! Childcare is available during the 10:15 service. This includes nursery and Children’s Chapel. Get details about this week's childcare options at christandstlukes.org/weekly-announcements. We can’t wait to see you this Sunday! If you prefer, you can still worship with us live online at 10:15 right here on this…
We encourage you to come and explore these magnificent books. A team of trained docents will be available to provide visitors with an in-depth tour of these volumes. Read more here.
The Parish Choir continue their monthly offering of sung Evening Prayer - the jewel in the crown of the Anglican Choral Tradition. These monthly services will culminate in the Choir's tour to Canterbury and St. Paul's Cathedrals this summer. Music of Eccard, Rose, Whitacre, and Hogan. Childcare available. Free-will offering.
Pub Theology Club is a community of respect where young adults can explore questions about humanity and the divine without fear and without judgment. We meet every other week. Sometimes we listen to a podcast and discuss it. Sometimes we read a book and discuss it. Sometimes we just share what’s on our minds and…
We encourage you to come and explore these magnificent books. A team of trained docents will be available to provide visitors with an in-depth tour of these volumes. Read more here.
We encourage you to come and explore these magnificent books. A team of trained docents will be available to provide visitors with an in-depth tour of these volumes. Read more here.
We are excited to announce that the First Thursday Supper for 2025 will be on Thursday, February 6, 2025 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. at the home of Carrie White and Paul Campsen at 1369 Botetourt Gardens, Norfolk, VA 23517. If you're new or have never been or haven't been in a while, we hope you'll join…
Join us at the Norfolk Yacht and Country Club for an evening of food, drink, silent auction, and fun entertainment as you hear the other side of our talented singers, including Broadway show tunes and popular songs. All proceeds will benefit the 2025 UK Choir Tour and Pilgrimage. $50 tickets from the Church Office or…
This early service is a quieter, more contemplative service using Rite I. There is no childcare for this service.
Join us for a scriptural study of the Prophets this Epiphany as we celebrate the ways in which God’s voice is heard in our lives. This series, led by the parish clergy, will utilize The Saint John’s Bible to enhance our study of the prophetic literature in our scriptures. We’ll look at how and why…
We look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday! Childcare is available during the 10:15 service. This includes nursery and Children’s Chapel. Get details about this week's childcare options at christandstlukes.org/weekly-announcements. We can’t wait to see you this Sunday! If you prefer, you can still worship with us live online at 10:15 right here on this…
Are you new to Christ & St. Luke’s? Please join us for a welcoming brunch to meet fellow newcomers and learn more about parish life. The brunch is being held at the home of Chris & Ginny Hale, who live in the Lafayette Shores neighborhood in Norfolk. The exact address will be provided when you below.
We encourage you to come and explore these magnificent books. A team of trained docents will be available to provide visitors with an in-depth tour of these volumes. Read more here.
It is a parishioner-led group reading literature to explore Queer Theology more deeply. We will explore how members of the LGBTQIA+ community are not just accepted in the Episcopal Church and are fully embraced in God’s love, but also how the queer perspective enriches theology and our community. All LGBTQIA+ individuals and allies are welcome. For more information,…
Christ & St Lukes Men’s Bible study is for every man who wants to find out why the Bible still matters today. Your time will be insightful with real conversations…right where you are in life! For more information please email Rudy Miller.
Women of Wisdom is a great group of women of all ages and opinions who meet the second Tuesday of each month to discuss a good book and share life together. Please join us whether you're able to read the book or not. We will meet on Tuesday, February 11, 2025 from 3:00 -5:00 p.m.…
We encourage you to come and explore these magnificent books. A team of trained docents will be available to provide visitors with an in-depth tour of these volumes. Read more here.
We encourage you to come and explore these magnificent books. A team of trained docents will be available to provide visitors with an in-depth tour of these volumes. Read more here.
The CSL Saturday Morning Men’s Group meets on the third Saturday of the month from 9am-10am for breakfast and fellowship. We are now meeting in Lower Lloyd Hall at Christ & St. Luke's. If you are interested in being a part of the group please be in touch with Mike by phone (252) 619-8257 or…
This early service is a quieter, more contemplative service using Rite I. There is no childcare for this service.
Join us for a scriptural study of the Prophets this Epiphany as we celebrate the ways in which God’s voice is heard in our lives. This series, led by the parish clergy, will utilize The Saint John’s Bible to enhance our study of the prophetic literature in our scriptures. We’ll look at how and why…
We look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday! Childcare is available during the 10:15 service. This includes nursery and Children’s Chapel. Get details about this week's childcare options at christandstlukes.org/weekly-announcements. We can’t wait to see you this Sunday! If you prefer, you can still worship with us live online at 10:15 right here on this…
Join us in Lower Lloyd Hall immediately following the 10:15 a.m. service for an outreach project and fellowship. We’ll make our own nachos for lunch and prepare encouragement cards for participants in the Norfolk Winter Shelter. These events are opportunities for our 9-11 year olds to work together and get to know each other in…
We encourage you to come and explore these magnificent books. A team of trained docents will be available to provide visitors with an in-depth tour of these volumes. Read more here.
Christ & St. Luke's presents the music of Charles Ives in the Annual Allen Shaffer Concert. We celebrate the work of a truly American composer featuring compositions that include hymns and well-known songs. The New Commonwealth Quartet performs his String Quartet No. 1, in addition to performances by pianist Stephen Coxe, organist Norman Elton, and…
This group was begun by parishioners who wanted to make deeper connections with other members of their church family who are passing through the middle decades of life. The purpose is to spend time and communion together, once a month, and discuss relevant topics, share mutual interests and experiences, and grow in fellowship and faith…
Pub Theology Club is a community of respect where young adults can explore questions about humanity and the divine without fear and without judgment. We meet every other week. Sometimes we listen to a podcast and discuss it. Sometimes we read a book and discuss it. Sometimes we just share what’s on our minds and…
This early service is a quieter, more contemplative service using Rite I. There is no childcare for this service.
Join us for a scriptural study of the Prophets this Epiphany as we celebrate the ways in which God’s voice is heard in our lives. This series, led by the parish clergy, will utilize The Saint John’s Bible to enhance our study of the prophetic literature in our scriptures. We’ll look at how and why…
We look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday! Childcare is available during the 10:15 service. This includes nursery and Children’s Chapel. Get details about this week's childcare options at christandstlukes.org/weekly-announcements. We can’t wait to see you this Sunday! If you prefer, you can still worship with us live online at 10:15 right here on this…
We encourage you to come and explore these magnificent books. A team of trained docents will be available to provide visitors with an in-depth tour of these volumes. Read more here.
Christ & St Lukes Men’s Bible study is for every man who wants to find out why the Bible still matters today. Your time will be insightful with real conversations…right where you are in life! For more information please email Rudy Miller.
We encourage you to come and explore these magnificent books. A team of trained docents will be available to provide visitors with an in-depth tour of these volumes. Read more here.
We encourage you to come and explore these magnificent books. A team of trained docents will be available to provide visitors with an in-depth tour of these volumes. Read more here.
National NPR political reporter and Norfolk resident, Sarah McCammon has written The Exvangelicals: Loving, Living, and Leaving the White Evangelical Church, a book about her experience growing up in and eventually leaving the Evangelical church, a story shared by many people in our parish. Sarah will be joining us to talk about this book and…
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