Csl choir norfolk

You Belong

When we say, “You belong,” we mean that…regardless of your background, identity, or life journey. We warmly welcome all people to be a part of our faith community, and we want to walk with you whether you are a long-time Christian, new to the faith, or exploring faith for the first time.

Come enjoy the beautiful sacred space in this historic Norfolk church. Light a candle in the Chapel as you pray or just sit. Clergy and pastoral care providers are available to hear your confessions, pray with you, or simply listen.

Christ & St. Luke’s is indeed a place in which you will experience Jesus’ promise: “Come, find rest for your soul.”

Our mission is to be an open and engaged community that fosters reasoned Christianity within the Anglican tradition.

We will:

  • provide caring hospitality
  • intentional pastoral care
  • strategic outreach
  • inspiring preaching
  • insightful teaching
  • awe-inspiring liturgical and musical experiences that connect mind to heart and the Gospel to the world.

“When Anglicanism is at its best its liturgy, its poetry, its music and its life can create a world of wonder in which it is very easy to fall in love with God.”

Urban T. Holmes III, What Is Anglicanism?

Clergy & Staff


We know you probably have questions. We’ll do our best to answer them here. You can contact us if you don’t see your question below. But please know that we don’t have all the answers, and we don’t expect you to either. We just want to be a community where you can belong wherever your searching takes you.

Setting up your online pledge

When you click the button below, be sure to select "Pledge Income" from the Funds dropdown list. You can then choose whether to make a one-time pledge gift or a recurring pledge gift. Feel free to contact the church office with any questions.