Together for Kenya Update

Together for Kenya Update

Mutomo Mission Hospital is located in a remote semi-arid area of Kenya. The local population of 190,000 depend on this hospital as their only source of youth mentorship. This past December Together for Kenya in cooperation with Kenya Equity Bank held a workshop for 20...

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Together for Kenya Update

February 2019 Report from the Steering Committee

The scaffolding in the church has gone up one final time to install the new lighting fixtures that will greatly enhance the visibility of the room. We expect the work to be done by February 8. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. This past week, three of...

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Become a River Star or Pearl Home

Become a River Star or Pearl Home

Continue enhancing good habits during Epiphany. Your lifestyle includes awareness of area waterways. Now commit to river-friendly actions and become a River Star or Pearl Home, depending upon the watershed you live in. Sign-up in the Bell Tower after both services....

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Together for Kenya Update

January 2019 Report from the Steering Committee

We are nearing the end with the work on the organ. Most of the pipes are now in place. The organ console has returned, and the electronic organ has been removed.  Foley-Baker will return in February for the final work. They will be finishing the pipe placement and the...

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Biodegradable Bags to Help You Care for Creation

Biodegradable Bags to Help You Care for Creation

During Epiphany think how to enhance current good habits. You clean up after your dog on walks. Take a step further with bags that look & feel like plastic but are biodegradable. Caring for Creation will give you a couple bags to try. Look in the Bell Tower. As...

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Recycle Batteries to Help Care for Creation

Recycle Batteries to Help Care for Creation

This is the time folks work on new resolutions. During Epiphany, we suggest easy enhancements of good habits you already have. You can recycle batteries instead of trashing them into landfills. “Step up your game” by setting up a specific place to collect them in your...

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Caring for Creation Meeting, January 2019

Caring for Creation Meeting, January 2019

As you reset for the New Year and resolve to improve, consider including your environment with additional earth-friendly practices. “Up your game” by joining Caring for Creation. We meet the second Tues each month. We will set our goals for 2019 at our next meeting...

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Together for Kenya Update

Provide a Gift of Love for Kenya this Christmas

This Christmas season, Christ & St. Luke’s has established the Gift of Love for Kenya project. Your gift of $60 will help these children to attend school and continue their education. Please let these precious ones know they are not forgotten–not by Christ or His...

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Together for Kenya Update

The Priest’s Postscript: Advent Meditation

Advent: It is dark now when I rise to walk the dog—dark and cold. Our five-month-old puppy, Fergus, is squirming with excitement as I fill my coffee cup and put on my scarf and coat before we venture into the predawn darkness. The neighborhood is quiet and...

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