This is the time folks work on new resolutions. During Epiphany, we suggest easy enhancements of good habits you already have. You can recycle batteries instead of trashing them into landfills. “Step up your game” by setting up a specific place to collect them in your house until removal. To help you, be aware you can recycle batteries (and ink cartridges) in the green box next to the pew in Lloyd Hall.

Upcoming Events

Parish Dinner and Hymn Sing

Christ & St. Luke's 560 West Olney Road, Norfolk, VA, United States

We will be having a parish dinner and hymn sing on Wednesday, May 1 as a fundraiser for our upcoming 2025 Choir Tour and Pilgrimage. Dinner will be from 6-7pm…

Thursday Holy Eucharist, Rite II

Christ & St. Luke's 560 West Olney Road, Norfolk, VA, United States

Join us for a mid-week Holy Eucharist in the chapel.

First Thursday Supper

We hope you'll mark your calendar four our next First Thursday Supper to be held Thursday, May 2, 2024. If you're new or have never been or haven't been in…

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Setting up your online pledge

When you click the button below, be sure to select "Pledge Income" from the Funds dropdown list. You can then choose whether to make a one-time pledge gift or a recurring pledge gift. Feel free to contact the church office with any questions.