Bishop Magness Joins Presiding Bishop Curry in Inviting Churches to Take Part in Healing Day National Bell Ringing

New Security Cameras and Door Controls

Tru Vizion Solution started installing cameras on the inside and outside of the Church building. They will be installing a new door system on all outside doors. To have card access to the building it will require you to have either Universal or Specialized training...

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Bishop Magness Joins Presiding Bishop Curry in Inviting Churches to Take Part in Healing Day National Bell Ringing

Welcome, Dr. Benjamin Morse

On Sunday, February 17, we welcome back to Christ & St. Luke’s Dr. Benjamin Morse, distinguished scholar and author of a two volume Children’s Bible. The Old Testament, The Oldest Bedtime Story Ever and the recently published New Testament, The News about Jesus...

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Plan to Protect Bees As You Plan Your Garden

Plan to Protect Bees As You Plan Your Garden

On early spring days of Epiphany, you plan for your garden. Take the extra step of reading ingredients in pest-control products. Avoid using NEONICOTINOIDS, fatal to bees. Protecting these little wonders of creation allows them to pollinate your plants, yielding more...

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Bishop Magness Joins Presiding Bishop Curry in Inviting Churches to Take Part in Healing Day National Bell Ringing

February 2019 Report from the Steering Committee

The scaffolding in the church has gone up one final time to install the new lighting fixtures that will greatly enhance the visibility of the room. We expect the work to be done by February 8. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. This past week, three of...

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Become a River Star or Pearl Home

Become a River Star or Pearl Home

Continue enhancing good habits during Epiphany. Your lifestyle includes awareness of area waterways. Now commit to river-friendly actions and become a River Star or Pearl Home, depending upon the watershed you live in. Sign-up in the Bell Tower after both services....

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Bishop Magness Joins Presiding Bishop Curry in Inviting Churches to Take Part in Healing Day National Bell Ringing

January 2019 Report from the Steering Committee

We are nearing the end with the work on the organ. Most of the pipes are now in place. The organ console has returned, and the electronic organ has been removed.  Foley-Baker will return in February for the final work. They will be finishing the pipe placement and the...

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Biodegradable Bags to Help You Care for Creation

Biodegradable Bags to Help You Care for Creation

During Epiphany think how to enhance current good habits. You clean up after your dog on walks. Take a step further with bags that look & feel like plastic but are biodegradable. Caring for Creation will give you a couple bags to try. Look in the Bell Tower. As...

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Recycle Batteries to Help Care for Creation

Recycle Batteries to Help Care for Creation

This is the time folks work on new resolutions. During Epiphany, we suggest easy enhancements of good habits you already have. You can recycle batteries instead of trashing them into landfills. “Step up your game” by setting up a specific place to collect them in your...

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Setting up your online pledge

When you click the button below, be sure to select "Pledge Income" from the Funds dropdown list. You can then choose whether to make a one-time pledge gift or a recurring pledge gift. Feel free to contact the church office with any questions.