Here are this week’s announcements. Be sure to view all upcoming events at If you do not already get our weekly email updates, you can subscribe here.
Liturgy & Music
Youth Sunday
This Sunday, February 2, 8:00 a.m. & 10:15 a.m.
This Sunday the youth of Christ & St. Luke’s will take the lead in our morning worship services. They have written our opening collect and prayers of the people. They will serve as some of our ushers, greeters, readers, and acolytes. At the 10:15 a.m. service we will be led in song by both our Junior Choir and our Choristers. And our preacher at both services will be Ader Deng, a high school senior who has grown up in our youth programs. We are so grateful to our young people for their leadership and for all the ways they help make Christ & St. Luke’s the loving family of faith that it is. Please make a point to join us and show them your support.
Choral Evensong for Candlemas
This Sunday, February 2, 5:30 p.m.
The Parish Choir continue their monthly offering of sung Evening Prayer – the jewel in the crown of the Anglican Choral Tradition. Free-will offering; Childcare available.
The Charles Ives Songbook
Sunday, February 16, 4:00 p.m.
The Annual Allen Shaffer Concert – We celebrate the work of a truly American composer, Charles Ives, featuring compositions that include hymns and well-known songs. The New Commonwealth Quartet performs his String Quartet No. 1, in addition to performances by pianist Stephen Coxe, organist Norman Elton, and vocalist Hunter Enoch. Free-will offering.
Adult Formation – The Prophets
Continues through March 2, 9:15 a.m., Lloyd Hall
In this 8 week series we are spending time in our Sunday morning Adult Formation classes with Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and the others who help us hear God’s call in our lives. We’ll look at how and why these books were written, how they have been interpreted across generations, and what wisdom they offer to us still today. This series, led by Fr. Noah and Fr. Jared will also utilize the St. John’s Bible to enhance our study of this prophetic literature. This class will meet weekly from January 12 – March 2 at 9:15 a.m. in Lloyd Hall.
Sunday Childcare, Children’s Formation & Children’s Chapel
Registration for Children’s Programming & Sunday Schedule
You may now Register Online for all children’s programming and read the latest Families, Youth, & Children Updates here. Find the Sunday Schedule here.
**Please note, there is no formation class for ages 9-11 this Sunday, February 2. We’ll resume this class February 9.
Important information for when you drop off your child
Please escort your child to the Children’s Room (under 3) or the Gold Room (3 and older). Sign them in so we have a record of who is there. If your child is rejoining you for Communion, please watch for them when they come down the ramp. Parents should return to the Children’s Room to sign out a child under 3 years old. Thank you for helping us keep your children safe!
Outreach/Fellowship Event for 9-11 year olds
Sunday, February 16, immediately following the 10:15 a.m. service
All children 9-11 years old are invited to lunch, outreach, and fellowship. We’ll make our own nachos for lunch and prepare “encouragement cards” for guests at our local shelter programs. This event is a great opportunity for our 9-11 year olds to work together and get to know each other in an informal and fun space. Please encourage your child to attend, even if they haven’t been able to make it to our 9:15 a.m. formation class yet. For more information, contact Rachel Welch.
Baptism Registration – Inquire Today!
Interested in Baptism? Our next offering of Take A Dip into Baptism, our baptismal preparation course, will begin in late February. This course is required for anyone considering baptism during our upcoming baptismal celebrations at Easter (April), Pentecost (June), and Summer Baptism (August). If you’re thinking about baptism for yourself or for a child in your family, speak with Fr. Jared to start the process. Baptismal spots do tend to fill quickly. You can find more about the baptismal process here, or in the brochure at the back of the church.
The St. John’s Bible Tours – Open Hours
Come Experience The Saint John’s Bible through the end of April 2025
Docent-Hosted Tours
- Sundays: 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
- Wednesdays: 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
- Thursdays: 12:15 p.m. – 1:15 p.m.
- Private group tours by appointment. Request an appointment here.
February First Thursday Supper
This Thursday, February 6, 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
We are excited to announce that the First Thursday Supper for 2025 will be on Thursday, February 6 at the home of Carrie White and Paul Campsen at 1369 Botetourt Gardens, Norfolk, VA 23517. If you’re new or have never been or haven’t been in a while, we hope you’ll join us for an evening with “no items on the agenda” and the occasion to see old friends and make new ones. Please bring a dish to share. No sign up is necessary and all are welcome. For questions, please see a member of the committee – Ellen Sell (757-739-7735), B.J. Taylor or Betty Denniston (757-472-7051).
Join us for Cabaret!
Friday, February 7, 7:00 p.m.
SOLD OUT!!! Our CABARET is next Friday in the ground-floor ballroom of the Norfolk Yacht and Country Club (7001 Hampton Blvd). There is a large parking lot surrounding the club. There is no dress code; wear something fun! Each unreserved table seats 10 people. A buffet dinner will be available all evening, and each person will be given one drink ticket upon arrival. Additional drinks will be available for purchase. A large part of our choir tour fundraising will be the evening’s Silent Auction. This year’s auction includes artwork, jewelry, vacation homes (getaways to the Hamptons, the Eastern Shore, Virginia Shenandoah Mountains, and Fort Myers, FL), gift certificates to favorite restaurants, concert tickets to the Symphony, Opera, Stage Company, and beautifully crafted baskets to suit all themes and budgets. So bring your checkbooks (cash and credit cards also accepted) and a huge thanks to our generous donors!
Newcomers’ Brunch
Sunday, February 9, following the 10:15 a.m. service
Are you new to Christ & St. Luke’s? Please join us for a welcoming brunch to meet fellow newcomers and learn more about parish life. The brunch is being held at the home of Chris & Ginny Hale, who live in the Lafayette Shores neighborhood in Norfolk. The exact address will be provided when you RSVP here.
Young Families Fellowship Follow-up
Parents and Caregivers, check your email for a recent email from CSL Children, Youth, and Families regarding the recent Young Families Fellowship event. We’ve plotted out some next steps and want your input! Reach out to Fr. Jared with questions about Young Families Fellowship. If you don’t currently receive the CYF emails and would like get on the list, please contact Rachel Welch.
Norfolk Winter Shelter – Sign up Today!
February 9 – 16 at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church
CSL’s week with The Norfolk Winter Shelter begins next Sunday. As part of our recognition and commitment to this important work, we will be donating the entirety of our offertory plate collection at both the 8:00 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. services next Sunday, February 9 to help offset the costs of the NWS. Please consider making a donation next Sunday celebrating this work. If you can’t be there next week, or prefer to make your donation online, simply visit our online giving page and select “NWS – Winter Shelter” from the Fund selection to make your contribution. Thank you to all who have signed-up to volunteer! We can’t make this ministry happen without you.
Annual Parish Meeting & Report
Thank you to all who attended our annual meeting last week and thank you to the staff and volunteers who worked to prepare reports and a wonderful coffee hour. Copies of our annual report are available online and in the tower.
CSL Beanies for Sale
Ears cold? For just $15, you can keep them toasty warm and tell the neighborhood about your favorite church with the Christ & St. Luke’s beanie! Contact Kathy Hanna to reserve yours now!
Altar Flowers
If you would like to contribute to the Sunday altar flowers at any time, please contact Rachel Welch. Please include your name, the Sunday you prefer, and the name(s) of the individual(s) you’d like to honor/remember. The $100 fee may be paid online selecting “flower guild” from the drop down menu, or by check made payable to Christ & St. Luke’s, noting “altar flowers” in the memo line.
Fraud Alert
We’ve seen an uptick in fake emails and texts impersonating staff members, including clergy. One common scam begins with a text that appears to come from clergy requesting that the recipient purchase gift cards online for outreach purposes. Staff and clergy will not request payments or purchases of any type via text message. Stay vigilant and always verify the phone number or email address of the sender. You’re always welcome to call the office to verify its sender.