On Sunday, at the annual meeting, Ray Gindroz presented an update on the renovation project progress.  Due to some difficulties that were uncovered for the waterproofing process, there was a stoppage in the process as a solution had to be agreed upon by the various parties involved.  We are delighted to tell you that the solution will now be implemented, and progress will become visible.  Once the waterproofing is completed, then concrete can be poured for the foundations and the measurements for the steel framing can be made and the steel ordered.  Since this project will ensure the soundness of our structures for at least the next 50 years, this slowdown is really a small price to pay.  Here is the result of the final schedule being established.  The construction team is aiming to complete the work in the Parish House by April 8, which will be in time for Holy Week.  This will include the two bathrooms and the other spaces.  The rest of the construction including the connector, the new entry area and the elevator will now be completed by June.  A donation has also been made to cover the cleaning of the stone, which will help to restore the beautiful interior of our historic church. This work will begin in the spring.  Of course, the delays due to Covid involving the supply chain are always an unknown, but we believe that this timeline is indeed doable, and we are very encouraged.  You will also note that the HVAC has now been connected, which allows us to stop using the rental equipment that was necessary as the new system was completed.  We are all committed to ensuring that this project makes our church, buildings and grounds safe and ready to withstand at least another half century.   Please do not hesitate to contact any of the committee members if you have any questions.  We will be sharing updates with pictures to inform you of the progress.

Upcoming Events

Midday Chamber Music Concert

Christ & St. Luke's 560 West Olney Road, Norfolk, VA, United States

A 30-minute recital featuring the music of Johann Sebastian Bach and his son Wilhelm Friedemann Bach, with flutists Debra Wendells Cross and Ya-Ching Chen; Jeff Phelps, cello; and Kevin Kwan,…

Event Series Men’s Breakfast

Men’s Breakfast

Christ & St. Luke's 560 West Olney Road, Norfolk, VA, United States

The CSL Saturday Morning Men’s Group meets on the third Saturday of the month from 9am-10am for breakfast and fellowship. We are now meeting in Lower Lloyd Hall at Christ…

Event Series Holy Eucharist, Rite II

Holy Eucharist, Rite II

Christ & St. Luke's 560 West Olney Road, Norfolk, VA, United States
Hybrid Hybrid Event

We look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday! Childcare is available during the 10:15 service. This includes nursery and Children’s Chapel. Get details about this week's childcare options at christandstlukes.org/weekly-announcements.…

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