Christ & St. Luke’s has embarked on an ambitious capital campaign and master plan that will restore our historic buildings and pass them onto future generations in better shape than before. After several years of prayer and forums for congregational input (including the “dot” process), the congregation created a shopping list of items around the church that needed attention. Years of deferred maintenance and the effects of climate and flooding have taken its toll on our historic structure, and now is the time to take action. Particular areas of concern were the exterior envelope of the church building, accessibility issues due to the lack of an elevator, the deteriorating pipe organ, stone cleaning, basement flooding, the number of restrooms, and the Columbarium in Lychgate Garden.
Hartman-Cox Architects of Washington, D.C., was selected to help us develop a Master Plan that could be realized in phases, when the necessary funds were raised. In 2016, the first concepts were presented for comments and input. In the fall of 2016, the Parish launched a capital campaign to raise funds for the first phases of the Master Plan. In 2017, design choices are being finalized and cost estimates will be honed so that the Parish can determine exactly what can be done, and in what order. We hope some work will commence in the summer or fall of 2017, and continue through the next few years. Please watch the video for a summary of the Master Plan, and check back for more updates.
Prayer for the Capital Campaign
Gracious and loving God, you shower us with gifts beyond measure. We thank you for the ageless gift of this church of Christ & St. Luke’s, whose worship, music and community create a world of wonder in which it is so easy to fall in love with you. We are mindful that you have given us at this moment a great challenge in calling us to preserve for future generations this magnificent building of unsurpassed beauty filled with sacred music that transforms our hearts, inspires our lives and moves us to welcome all into your healing embrace. Give us the grace, we pray, to move forward in faith – generous in our giving, free of anxiety and trusting in your guidance every step of the way. All this we pray in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.