Stephen coxe piano

Become a Friend of Music

The Friends of Music is a great way to support Sacred Music in a Sacred Space at Christ & St. Luke’s. Parish members and non-members alike are invited to contribute to the operating costs of running a series of this scope. Please consider making a tax-deductible contribution to this annual fund, benefiting both the parish and the wider community.

Giving Online
Click here to give online and choose “Friends of Music” from the fund list drop-down:
Friends of music dropdown

Giving by Check
Make your check out to Christ & St. Luke’s and write “Friends of Music” in the memo line. Mail your check to: PO Box 11499, Norfolk, VA 23517.

Flower Donations

The Flower Guild’s ability to purchase materials for weekly arrangements is limited to parish donations given in memory or in honor of loved ones, or in celebration of life’s special moments. Those remembered or honored in this way are listed in the weekly bulletin. If you would like to remember someone special with flowers on Sunday, please contact the church office or give online below.

Giving Online
Click here to give online and choose “Flower Guild” from the fund list drop-down and write the person’s name in the memo line.
Flower guild dropdown with memo

Giving by Check
Make your check out to Christ & St. Luke’s and write “Flower Guild” plus the person’s name you’d like to honor in the memo line. Mail your check to: PO Box 11499, Norfolk, VA 23517.

Thanksgiving altar

Memorial Donations

Gifts may be made in loving memory of those who have passed away. These gifts will go to fund future furnishings of the Church, such as vestments and candles.

Giving Online
Click here to give online and choose “Memorial Fund” from the fund list drop-down:
Memorial fund dropdown with memo

Giving by Check
Make your check out to Christ & St. Luke’s and write “Memorial Fund” and the person’s name you’d like to honor in the memo line. Mail your check to: PO Box 11499, Norfolk, VA 23517.

The Jim Sell Community Conversations Fund

Jim Sell served as the priest of Christ & St. Luke’s from 1990 to 2005. The Jim Sell Community Conversations Fund supports Jim’s legacy of tolerance, kindness and generosity of spirit. It seeks to empower our community, in the broadest sense, to engage in meaningful, productive conversations that will inspire us to be the best version of ourselves. We are intentionally using the word “community” to embrace the Christ & St. Luke’s congregation, the city of Norfolk, and beyond. Like Jim, our hope is that these inclusive conversations will bring together people, ideas, cultures, and religions from varying viewpoints and yield learning, empathy, courage, and positive community action.
The rev jim sell

Setting up your online pledge

When you click the button below, be sure to select "Pledge Income" from the Funds dropdown list. You can then choose whether to make a one-time pledge gift or a recurring pledge gift. Feel free to contact the church office with any questions.