After Colleyville: Don’t let the Eternal Light Go Out

After Colleyville: Don’t let the Eternal Light Go Out

This is a message from our friend and Rabbi in Residence, Dr. Michael Panitz, written to his congregation at Temple Israel in Norfolk, VA, and published on January 19, 2022. Please read his message and keep our Jewish friends and neighbors in your prayers. Also, watch...

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Kenya Student Scholarship Update

Kenya Student Scholarship Update

In 2020 Together for Kenya began to identify and assist Kenyan children who were unable to attend school because of economics, social or health issues. Meet Alvin… Alvin lives with his single mom. They are considered the poorest of the poor and exist on occasional...

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Discover the healing power of art in Kenya

Discover the healing power of art in Kenya

Children can learn through art. As children draw and paint they are learning about their world (colors, shapes and sizes of objects.) Art lets children make choices. Several years ago Kate and I challenged several young Kenyan children to explore their world through...

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Regina’s Acacia Tree

Regina’s Acacia Tree

In Biblical times the Acacia tree was known for it’s beauty and was used to build the Ark of the Covenant… the reminder of God’s presence. Yet in Mutomo Kenya this exotic tree is known for something else… charcoal. Yes, it is a source of the finest charcoal. Several...

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Help to alleviate the pain of Kenya’s less fortunate

Help to alleviate the pain of Kenya’s less fortunate

Kenyan hospitals are grappling with a record of critical-care patients stretching a system that was inadequate even before the outbreak of COVID-19. Nazareth Hospital is not an exception. Many beds and medical equipment at Nazareth Hospital are well used and over...

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Now there is a reason to dance!

Now there is a reason to dance!

Early childhood education is an essential component of development, helping children form cognitive and language skills as well as social and emotional competency. In Africa, only one quarter of the children attend some form of early childhood education. Kenya’s...

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Self-taught art brings hope in Kenya

Self-taught art brings hope in Kenya

Together for Kenya is a relational outreach mission. We have numerous opportunities to meet and to know men, women and children from Kenya. Several years ago Kate and I visited the compound of Grigori Ejau and his wife. This senior couple were caregivers of their...

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