The Rev. James R. Harlan, Guest Preacher

The Rev. James R. Harlan, Guest Preacher

We are excited to have The Rev. James Harlan as a Guest Preacher. The Rev. James R. Harlan serves as the Canon Evangelist for the Diocese of Southern Virginia. Before taking up this ministry, James served as the twelfth rector of the Church of Bethesda-by-the-Sea in...

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Welcome Our New Administrative Assistant

Welcome Our New Administrative Assistant

It is with great joy that we introduce to you our new Administrative Assistant: Rachel Welch. Rachel is known to many of you having grown up at Christ & St. Luke's and having spent many years involved in helping in the Children's Ministry here. We are thrilled...

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How Do We Respond to Another Act of Violence?

How Do We Respond to Another Act of Violence?

Dear Christ & St. Luke's, Our hearts are breaking (again) today as we follow the news coming from the shooting at the Covenant School in Nashville yesterday. To be honest, I am running out of ways to express the anger, sadness, sickness, and heartbreak that come...

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Moving into the Season of Lent

Moving into the Season of Lent

In this coming week we will move from The Season after the Epiphany into Lent, a profound shift in our Church calendar. The liturgy will shift in tone, the color of the vestments and hangings will turn to purple, and we will give special attention to our need for...

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What We Do During the Season After the Epiphany

What We Do During the Season After the Epiphany

Today, January 6th, is the Feast of the Epiphany, the day the Church marks the visit of the wisemen (“magi”) to the baby Jesus. These Eastern sages had studied the stars and traveled far to find the child, bringing him those famous gifts of gold, frankincense, and...

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Helping Build Kenyan Teens

Helping Build Kenyan Teens

Together for Kenya supports 18 different programs in the Kwaida, Kenya community.  Among them is a youth camp for children ages 12 to 20 that takes place over a period of several days.  The program is an outgrowth of a youth ministry that was formed...

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Welcome Our New Administrative Assistant

Annual Parish Meeting and Vestry Nominees

Watch the Annual Meeting below, and download the PDF report here. The Christ & St. Luke’s Annual Parish Meeting will take place on Sunday, January 29, immediately following the 10:15am service. All are encouraged to attend. We have much to celebrate from the year that...

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How Your Angel Tree Gifts Help Children in Kenya

How Your Angel Tree Gifts Help Children in Kenya

Together for Kenya's geographic focus is in the Kawaida area near Nairobi. There, our local partner, All Saints Anglican Church, uses the funds we supply to help eighth grade students prepare for their national KCPE (Kenya Certificate of Primary Education) exams,...

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Setting up your online pledge

When you click the button below, be sure to select "Pledge Income" from the Funds dropdown list. You can then choose whether to make a one-time pledge gift or a recurring pledge gift. Feel free to contact the church office with any questions.