Have you considered an international journey you will never forget?

In 2024 why not join us for a spiritual pilgrimage to Kenya. Your time will be a learning experience discovering how Christ has called the Church to respond to the issues of poverty, education and medical care among those with so little. We will depart the US April 13 and return from Kenya April 27.

Trip highlights

Visit Holy Family Center HIV/AIDS clinic. HFC is responsible for for testing and monitoring nearly 7000 HIV+ patients. Over 700 children are also under the care of HFC, many have been orphaned by AIDS.Meeting or even just listening will allow you to share God’s compassion with a special child.

Spend time with children and teachers from the Allamano School, Kawaida and Karuri Primary Schools where 4000 children attend and receive daily food from Together for Kenya.

Home visits with community healthcare workers and Compassion International volunteers will be a highlight of your visit as you spend time with local Kenyan families.

Meet with seniors from All Saints Anglican Church and discover how Together for Kenya extends their hands in service through this local Kenyan church.

Our trip will include a two night Safari in Maasai Mara National Park.

How to join us

For more info please contact Kate and Rudy Miller. Space is limited.

Upcoming Events

Event Series Holy Eucharist, Rite II

Holy Eucharist, Rite II

Christ & St. Luke's 560 West Olney Road, Norfolk, VA, United States
Hybrid Hybrid Event

We look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday! Childcare is available during the 10:15 service. This includes nursery and Children’s Chapel. Get details about this week's childcare options at christandstlukes.org/weekly-announcements.…

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