Stewardship season is upon us; the time when we appeal to you for pledges of financial support so that we can fund the mission and ministry of our beloved church. As we enter this season, here is where we find ourselves: we have an exciting building renovation that is just a few months from completion and are finalizing plans for a marvelous redesign of our beloved Lychgate Garden, both of which will benefit our parish for generations to come and will require more money to complete. At the same time, we have an annual operating budget to fund, of which parishioner pledge payments account for almost 90% of the total. Given those realities, after much discussion, your Vestry has decided that this year, our stewardship campaign will be a dual ask: one pledge to help us complete our capital campaign and one pledge to help fund our annual operating budget for 2023. Because this is a church with a history of generous and gracious support from its parishioners, for which we are incredibly grateful, we believe we can do both. But we’re going to need your help.

Read the full Stewardship Letter from Fr. Noah here.

Ready to make your pledge?

Your Annual Pledge funds our yearly operating budget. Make your annual pledge here.

Your Capital Campaign Pledge will help fund the completion of our building renovations. Make your capital campaign pledge here.

Upcoming Events

Thursday Holy Eucharist, Rite II

Christ & St. Luke's 560 West Olney Road, Norfolk, VA, United States

Join us for a mid-week Holy Eucharist in the chapel.

Ascension Day Hymn Festival

Christ & St. Luke's 560 West Olney Road, Norfolk, VA, United States

God is gone up! Our annual Ascension Day Hymn Festival is sung by the combined choirs of St. Andrew’s, St. Paul’s, and Christ and St, Luke’s. Dale Adelmann, guest conductor,…

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Setting up your online pledge

When you click the button below, be sure to select "Pledge Income" from the Funds dropdown list. You can then choose whether to make a one-time pledge gift or a recurring pledge gift. Feel free to contact the church office with any questions.